After a great deal of incredulity at the crazy rent prices I’ve been seeing over the past few months, I decided to go direct to the source of Boston rent data: Craigslist. Craigslist has a lot of problems with it like scams and disinformation from realtors, but it’s still largely the most popular place around […]
Author: Luca Bares
Zillow Data Chart.js
With rising rent rates around the Boston area where I live I’ve been interested in what the change in rents has been over the past few months. Zillow actually makes a fair amount of this data available for CSV download on their website for top cities. I ended up converting the data to JSON because […]
GSC API Tutorial
I saw I had this blog post languishing on my desktop so I decided to post it. There are hundreds of SEO tools out there that we can use, built by dozens of companies, but there is one tool that every SEO should use: Google Search Console (GSC). GSC is useful because it’s the only […]
Not All Pixel Rankings are the Same
The mobile SERP is an interesting place. Despite mobile devices only being around for the last decade or so their impact on how we surf the web is immeasurable. Google has put in a lot of work on their mobile SERPs and for me, I find more changes happening on mobile than I do on […]
SERP Image Capture Tool
With Google constantly changing SERPs, it’s a good idea to keep a historical record of those changes. One way that we do that as SEOs is by using rank tracking tools like GetStat, Ahrefs, or SERPapi. All of these tools give use a snapshot of the data within SERPs, but none of them show a […]